Can Periodontitis be Cured at Home? ADA Recommended Remedies to Prevent Periodontitis [2023]
Can periodontitis be cured? Advanced gum diseases, commonly called periodontitis, have no cure. Once the disease is diagnosed, no treatment can un-do it. However, modern treatments for periodontitis often revolve around prevention and management rather than treatment. To fully get rid of the disease, extracting the infected tooth is the...
5 Types of Dental Bridges - Who Needs them, Use Case & Procedure
Do you have one or more missing teeth? You are one of the 120 million Americans who have missing teeth. Fortunately, modern dentistry offers durable replacement options to help you achieve a healthy smile. A dental bridge is one of the dentist’s most recommended solutions to fix missing teeth in...
How Long does a Root Canal Take to Heal? - Healing Duration, Aftercare & Do’s and Don’ts
Don’t we often hear absurd things like; a root canal is painful or that pulling a tooth is better than getting a root canal? One answer to all these questions - NO! A root canal is a simple procedure twisted into different things that aren’t even real. Neither it’s painful,...
How to care for Dental Implants - 9 Straightforward Tips for the Longevity of your Implants
Dental implants are dentists’ #1 choice to treat missing teeth. They are the only dental restoration treatment that uses a natural-looking-like tooth to transform your smile. American Academy of Implant Dentistry reveals that nearly 3 Million people have dental implants in the United States, and the figure is constantly growing...
5 Whitening Invisalign Treatments - Whitening Gel, Cleaning Crystals, and more!
Simple Whitening Invisalign Methods Brush and floss religiously Rinse your Invisalign aligners after removing Clean stains from the aligners using our suggested methods Avoid scented mouthwash and cleaners You need to wear your Invisalign aligners a minimum of 22 hours a day to improve the appearance of your teeth. That said,...
What Causes Teeth Grinding - Top 6 Reasons for Teeth Grinding
Key Takeaway: Stress and Anxiety Alcohol Caffeine Smoking Sleep Apnea drugs Do you often wake up with a headache, sore jaw, neck, or shoulder? You may grind your teeth during sleep. Teeth clenching, also called Bruxism, is a sleep-related movement disorder affecting 8 to 10 percent of adults in the US....
How to Stop Teeth Clenching in Sleep or During the Day - 5 Proven Practices
Key Takeaway: Try to relax yourself and mind before going to bed Take a hot shower and write down all the negative thought on a piece of paper Use nighttime mouthguard to avoid teeth clenching during sleep Teeth clenching or grinding is becoming a growing problem in the US. Statistics...
Floss Before or After Brushing - The Best Time to Floss
Key Takeaway: There is no right or wrong time to floss as long as you are doing it the right way, consistently. However, it is better to floss before brushing to remove the tiny leftover food particles stuck in your teeth. What if we say you have been living a...