Zirconia in Indirect Restorations: Clinical Insights on Cleaning, Cementing, Adhesion, and Primer Usage
Achieving strong adhesion to zirconia necessitates using a zirconia-specific primer. Traditional silanes used for ceramic restorations are ineffective with zirconia. A zirconia primer, such as Silmet’s ProLink Cem Primer, contains MDP-based chemistry that ensures proper chemical bonding to zirconia. This primer must be applied as the initial layer, followed by...
Choosing and Using Dental Cements
The world of dentistry has come a long way in the past 50 years. Gone are the days when dentists had a simple choice between gold crowns and zinc phosphate cement. Today's dental professionals face a complex array of restorative materials and luting cements, each with its own strengths and...
We Love Silmet Dental Products!
We Love Silmet Products! High Quality at an Affordable Price We are proud to carry a large variety of Silmet products including restorative materials, composites, amalgam, ionomer cement, bonding agents and self-adhesive resins. Silmet Ltd. is an Israeli family owned business founded in 1967. Their products are comparable to Dentsply,...