Introducing Silmet's New Self-Adhesive Cements Kit for Dental Professionals.

Jan 22

This Self-Adhesive Cement Kit is designed to meet thediverse needs of modern dental practices. It showcases a range of cementsolutions, developed by Silmet and also includes a complementary modulardrawer organizer to help the dentist keep their materials well-organized.

Each material has its own strengths and idealapplications:

  1. ProGlass Plus Cem:

Self-Adhesive Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement,

Forrestoration cases where there is good retention. Ideal for Zerconiarestorations.

  1. ProLink Cem Plus:

Self-AdhesiveResin Cement

Highbond and easy application. Suitable for a broad range of restoration challenges.

  1. ProLink Cem:

Self-adhesiveUniversal Resin Cement

Suitablefor restorations with low retention.

  1. ProLink Cem Primer:

Primerfor Zirconia, Alumina and Metal substrates

Enhancesadhesion between indirect restorative materials and Cements.