Can periodontitis be cured? Advanced gum diseases, commonly called periodontitis, have no cure. Once the disease is diagnosed, no treatment can un-do it. However, modern treatments for periodontitis often revolve around prevention and management rather than treatment.
To fully get rid of the disease, extracting the infected tooth is the only effective way, as of now. When the infected tooth is removed, the bacteria cannot survive. Hence it is compelled to leave the body. You can later achieve a full smile with the help of implant-supported teeth.
Since periodontitis is incurable, this guide will discuss effective prevention methods and ways to prevent the condition from worsening further.
Periodontitis Explained

CDC explains periodontal disease as an infection that causes gums and bone inflammation surrounding the teeth. The initial stage of the disease is called gingivitis, where gums become red and swollen and may bleed.
As the infection worsens, gingivitis becomes periodontitis (a more serious form). This stage is characterized by gums pulling away from the tooth, making gum pockets, and eventually causing bone loss and tooth loss.
The periodontal disease mostly affects adults aged over 30 years. Its likelihood increases from age 65 and more. The following is the data obtained from the CDC regarding the prevalence of periodontitis in the United States.
- 2% of adults aged 30 years and older have some form of periodontal disease.
- Periodontal disease increases with age; 70.1% of adults 65 years and older have periodontal disease.
Additionally, the reports revealed that the condition is more common in males than females, with a percentage of (56.4% vs 38.4%).
What Causes Periodontitis?
Primarily, periodontitis results from a bacterial infection that impacts the tooth and surrounding gums, causing them to deteriorate. When bacteria rest on the surface of the tooth for a long, they initiate plaque formation, which eventually turns into calculus (hard layer).
Once the tartar has been formed, it only extends to the tooth’s surroundings, including gums, making the tooth harder to clean. Tartar cannot be removed simply from brushing and flossing. One must visit the dentist to get it removed.
Periodontitis Symptoms/Warning Signs
The following are the primary symptoms of periodontitis:
- Bad breath and a weird taste in the mouth
- Red or purple-tined swollen gums
- Receding gums (Gum pockets)
- Gum bleeding
- Painful chewing
- Change in the bite and teeth alignment
- Loose teeth
- Sensitive teeth
Risk Factors
Certain health conditions can initiate and facilitate the development of periodontitis:
- Poor oral hygiene
- Smoking
- Diabetes
- Stress
- Crooked teeth
- Hereditary
- Underlying immuno-deficiencies like AIDS
- Defective dental fillings
- Dry mouth
- Improper dental bridges
- Hormonal changes in females due to pregnancy or using oral contraceptives
How to Cure Gum Disease?
Even though the damage due to gum disease cannot be reversed, the following are some treatment options that dentists can offer to stop its spread.
Tissue Grafting
Periodontitis is known to eat away gum tissues relentlessly, but a dentist can transplant new gum tissues in the affected areas. The process is called tissue/gum grafting and can be completed within 90 minutes.
Crown Lengthening
Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure performed by a dentist or a specialist to adjust the gum position surrounding the tooth to uncover more of the tooth structure. The procedure can either be completed in an hour or as long as three months, depending on the damage and number of teeth being treated.
Pocket Elimination
Pocket elimination, also called gingivectomy, flap surgery, and osseous surgery is a procedure involving folding the gums, removing the diseased tissue, and recontouring the healthy gums against the teeth.
Pocket reduction surgery is only performed in the advanced stages of periodontitis and takes up to 8 months to heal.
So these are a few treatment options that your dentist may perform in the latter stages of the disease. However, if the disease is spotted in its initial stages, simple treatments such as deep cleaning and root planning can prevent you from undergoing critical procedures.
How to Cure Gum Disease at Home?
Prevention is always better than cure. Instead of heavily investing in dental procedures, one must follow the dentist’s oral hygiene advice to prevent the disease from occurring in the first place.
The following are some oral care tips you can easily follow at home to keep your gums and teeth healthy:
Brush twice a day using a soft-bristled brush
The American Dental Health Association advises brushing teeth twice a day for 2 minutes, using a soft-bristled brush. Be sure to cover all the surfaces from inside and outside.
Change your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months or right after the bristles become frayed. It would be best to choose a toothbrush that bears an ADA-approved seal.
Use Fluoride toothpaste and antibacterial mouthwash:
A dentist advises using fluoride-containing toothpaste paired with an antibacterial mouthwash as the last step of the cleaning process. healthcare professionals strictly prohibit sharing toothbrushes as they allow bacteria to pass from one person to another.
Other Preventive Tips
Apart from the above, it is advisable to adopt a healthy lifestyle by doing the following:
- Quitting smoking
- Minimizing alcohol consumption
- Including more fruits, vegetables, and whole foods in your diet
- Managing diabetes
- Drinking plenty of water
- Visiting a dentist once every 6 months
Can Periodontitis be Cured at Home?
While home remedies cannot treat periodontitis, they can stop further damage and discomfort associated with it. By following the above-provided tips, you can surely manage the pain and hop back on to achieving healthier teeth.
Can Early Periodontitis be Cured?
As said earlier, you cannot cure periodontitis or reverse the damage it has caused. However, you can stop the disease from worsening by professional cleaning and oral care routine. Once the bacteria are gone, your teeth and gums will begin to heal on their own.
The Takeaway
Everyone wishes to have a healthy and beautiful smile. Luckily, it is achievable by brushing twice a day, quitting smoking, having a balanced diet, and visiting the dentist every 6 months. Even if you are diagnosed with early signs of gingivitis, maintaining proper oral hygiene will eliminate bacteria and protect your teeth from damage.