How to Stop Teeth Clenching in Sleep or During the Day - 5 Proven Practices
Key Takeaway: Try to relax yourself and mind before going to bed Take a hot shower and write down all the negative thought on a piece of paper Use nighttime mouthguard to avoid teeth clenching during sleep Teeth clenching or grinding is becoming a growing problem in the US. Statistics...
Floss Before or After Brushing - The Best Time to Floss
Key Takeaway: There is no right or wrong time to floss as long as you are doing it the right way, consistently. However, it is better to floss before brushing to remove the tiny leftover food particles stuck in your teeth. What if we say you have been living a...
6 Top Reasons about Why Your Teeth Hurt When Eating Sweets But No Cavities
You just took a bite of your favorite dessert and now your teeth hurt, is that so? Well, you must be a big sweet junkie, as having excessively sugary foods and drinks make your teeth sensitive. But what to do now? It's not just you, so many people complain their...
Can a Toothache cause a Headache? 6 Causes and 7 Remedies
A toothache is worrisome but what’s more daunting is when it is characterized by headache or migraine. So no, you were not overthinking. Toothache can cause dizziness, migraine headaches, and ear pain sometimes. If you are still figuring out ‘if toothache causes a headache, you MUST check what we are...
Failed Root Canal Symptoms - How much does it cost to fix it?
Dental conditions may be bad, but you know what’s the worst? A failed dental procedure. Yes, dental treatments can go wrong. While it’s rare, it does happen. A root canal is a common dental procedure that goes wrong if done incorrectly and requires immediate attention. The patient may start to...
Dental Deep Cleaning Described - How Would You Know You Need One?
Did your dentist recommend you get a dental deep cleaning, and you are worried because you don’t know what to expect? Rest assured, it is not as complex as you think. Getting a healthy smile doesn’t not only mean keeping your teeth white. It’s more than that. You need to...
Best Way to Whiten Sensitive Teeth - 6 Affordable Treatments!
Do you use teeth whiteners and bleaching strips to brighten your smile? You’re not alone. We also used to go for such time-saving cheap alternatives until we discovered that all you get is: sensitivity issues and temporary whitening from them. You must be wondering, then, what’s the best way to...
Can Gum Disease Kill You? Learn How Periodontal Disease Affects Your Health
Does it hurt or bleed when you brush your teeth? Or do you experience bad breath often and notice plague buildups onto your gum line? Well, perhaps you are from the 80% of Americans who have some sort of gum disease. Can gum disease kill you? We hated to tell...