Soft Foods to Eat After Dental Surgery
Jul 29

50 Soft Foods to Eat After Dental Surgery - Your Dental Care Guide

Jul 29

You need to give yourself time to heal properly after undergoing dental surgery. But maintaining a healthy diet is very necessary if you want your recovery to be as effective as possible. The body needs nutrients in order to rebuild damaged tissues and recover and mend itself. However, you cannot just return to your normal diet since the pressures produced when chewing food might be enough to dislodge sutures or blood clots that are necessary for the healing process. Therefore, in order to assist you in making healthy dietary decisions and hasten your recovery, we have developed a list of 50 soft foods to eat after dental surgery.

You may find that the packaging of some foods includes advice to soak them before consuming them. These instructions are often for milk or broth, and following these directions may be an excellent way to continue enjoying the foods you like while you are healing. For instance, soaking bread in a soup overnight will provide a snack that is not only nutritional but also wholesome and full. In addition to this, it will be pliable enough to consume without causing any damage to your mouth.

Why is Eating Soft Foods Necessary After Dental Surgery?

Oral surgical procedures may include the insertion of dental implants, the removal of teeth, the grafting of bone or gum tissue, the extraction of wisdom teeth, or the performing of root canal therapy. It is possible that your jaw and mouth may feel painful following the procedure. Eating soft foods after your dental surgery can help to decrease irritation, and you should avoid biting down on the tooth that was treated. In light of this, it is helpful to support good healing and recuperation after surgery by following a diet consisting of soft foods.

Soft Foods to Encourage Healing

The University of Michigan asserts that having a healthy, well-balanced diet that consists of enough amounts of calories and a sufficient quantity of protein may assist in the healing process. Protein is essential for the growth and repair of muscle as well as skin and tissue. Protein powder, when combined with either milk or water, is an easy way to consume a large quantity of protein. You may also try soup made with beef or chicken broth, which both have the potential to provide additional grams of protein. To ensure that you get a proper amount of nourishment while you are recuperating, you may choose from a variety of fruits and vegetables that are soft. For instance, you may have mashed avocado in order to satisfy the daily need of the minimal quantity of good fat that is suggested. Peaches, kiwis, and strawberries are all fruits that are rich in vitamin C and are very soft. Vitamin C is necessary for the regeneration of tissues.

50 Soft Foods You Can Eat After Dental Surgery

50 Soft Foods You Can Eat After Dental Surgery

Here’s a list of 50 soft foods to eat after oral surgery. These are the foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal or any other dental procedure.

  1. Yogurt
  2. Waffles – can be soaked
  3. Vegetables – only steamed or well-cooked
  4. Tofu
  5. Tea
  6. Tapioca
  7. Sweetbreads
  8. Spaghetti
  9. Soups
  10. Smoothies – avoid including nuts, seeds, or ice
  11. Sherbet
  12. Semolina
  13. Salmon
  14. Risotto
  15. Rice
  16. Pumpkin
  17. Pudding
  18. Popsicles
  19. Oatmeal
  20. Mousse
  21. Milkshakes
  22. Meatloaf
  23. Meatballs
  24. Mashed vegetables
  25. Mashed potatoes
  26. Mangos
  27. Macaroni and cheese
  28. Juice
  29. Jell-O
  30. Ice cream
  31. Hummus
  32. Ground chicken
  33. Greek yogurt
  34. Fish
  35. Eggs
  36. Deli meats
  37. Custard
  38. Cottage cheese
  39. Cookies – soaked in milk
  40. Cold cereal – soaked until soft
  41. Clams
  42. Cheesecake
  43. Broth – warm, not hot
  44. Bread – soaking in a soup can make for a delicious, filling snack
  45. Biscuits – soaked or soft biscuits only
  46. Bananas
  47. Baked beans
  48. Baby food
  49. Avocado
  50. Applesauce

If you have undergone any dental surgery, you must incorporate the above 50 soft foods to eat after dental surgery into your diet.

Slowly Returning to Crunchy Foods

When it is safe for you to begin consuming foods that are crunchy or hard, such as chips, cereals, or crunchy vegetables, your dentist or oral surgeon will let you know. You may consult with an expert in the field of oral care for more detailed instructions. The length of time that your oral surgeon or dentist may advise you to adhere to a diet consisting only of soft foods varies depending on the circumstances of your situation. Always be sure to follow the aftercare guidelines that your dentist gives you to ensure that your mouth stays healthy during the healing period and beyond.

Dos and Don’ts

Having a great deal of expertise in performing dental implants, root canals, and tooth extractions, we have compiled a list of a few ideas that can help you recover more quickly after surgery.

  • Do drink plenty of water. Maintaining proper hydration can help your body recuperate more quickly.
  • Rinse your mouth out with warm water that has a pinch of salt added to it to reduce the discomfort and swelling. Be careful to swish the water around softly and not too forcefully.
  • After your procedure, you should wait at least 7–10 days before drinking with a straw again. Sucking on a straw causes pressure, which may dislodge a blood clot, causing a painful condition called dry socket.
  • Avoid drinking any alcoholic, caffeinated, carbonated, or hot drinks.
  • Do not consume meals that are spicy since doing so might cause inflammation and irritation in the gums
  • Acidic food and drink should be avoided at all costs since it has the potential to irritate the healing tissues as well as the surgical incision.
  • After the procedure, you shouldn't smoke for a minimum of 48 hours, and you should quit smoking altogether. If you smoke, toxins will be released in your mouth, and these toxins might irritate the sensitive healing tissues.


We at Franklin Dental are aware of the concerns that our patients have about their recovery after undergoing oral surgery. Because of our extensive background in oral surgery, we have developed and implemented industry-standard protocols for providing aftercare to our patients. In addition, our devoted dental staff is here to assist you in any way possible if you have any inquiries or concerns. You are more than welcome to contact us, and we look forward to seeing you.