Dec 03

Should You Rinse After Brushing Teeth? Avoid these 9 Common Mistakes

Dec 03

Do you want to know how to brush your teeth correctly?

Here are 9 mistakes people make when brushing their teeth. You might be making some of these mistakes too!

Don’t worry, we’ll tell you how to fix them.

If you don’t have a perfect smile, it can affect your confidence and self-esteem. We all deserve a beautiful smile – so let us show you how! It's easy once you know what not to do. And remember - the best way to prevent cavities is regular visits with your dentist for cleanings and exams. But until then, follow our advice on proper tooth brushing techniques and habits that will keep those pearly whites healthy and strong!

Most people don’t understand how to properly brush their teeth and chances are you also make some mistakes we are going to list down in this blog.

What we covered in most common mistake people make while brushing teeth.

1) Time to Change the Toothbrush

2) Is it bad to brush your teeth for longer than 2 minutes?

3) Should you Rinse after Brushing Teeth?

4) Storing Your Toothbrush In The Bathroom

5) Rinsing Your Mouth But Not Brushing

6) Cracking Tooth Enamel

7) Skipping Dental Visits

8 ) Using The Wrong Toothpaste

9 ) Avoiding Flossing

10 ) Choosing To Use A Manual Brush

11 ) Never Replacing Your Brush Heads

1. Time to Change the Toothbrush

In order to keep your teeth and gums healthy, you should always brush them at least twice a day. It is also important that you use a new toothbrush every three months so the bristles don't get worn out or frayed. When brushing, make sure not to rinse your mouth with water after each time you have brushed your teeth. Spit the toothpaste out and avoid drinking any liquids while rinsing. We will discuss why you should not you rinse after brushing teeth.

2. Is it bad to brush your teeth for longer than 2 minutes?

In short YES!

The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests that you brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes each time. Rusching more than three times in one day and/or extending the duration of brushing can lead to tooth enamel wearing down as well as damage gum tissue!

It is important for both parents and children to be aware of the importance of brushing teeth for the recommended two minutes. Not only will it help keep your teeth clean and healthy, but it will also help protect against cavities and other dental problems.

Brushing teeth for the recommended amount of time is not always easy, but with the use of a timer or stopwatch, it can be done. Make sure to brush on all sides of the teeth and to use fluoride toothpaste for the best results.

Parents can help children by encouraging them to brush their teeth every day, even if they are fighting it. For example, instead of just telling a child that he or she needs to brush for two minutes, parents could say something like "Let's set the timer. When the bell rings you will have brushed your teeth for two minutes." This can give kids motivation so they know it won't be so long. Parents should also make sure the child does not eat or drink anything after brushing teeth unless advised by a dentist or other medical professional. Finally, parents should always check in with their pediatrician if they have any questions about how to properly care for their child's oral hygiene routine.

3 Should you Rinse after Brushing Teeth?

Rinsing after brushing your teeth is a subject that causes confusion for many adults, so I want to clear the air.

I'm going to start by telling you what not to do. Don't rinse with water after brushing your teeth. The problem with this is that it cuts down on the effectiveness of the fluoride in toothpaste which protects against cavities and gum disease.

You may want to rinse out your mouth because of habit but if you're using toothpaste, then use a mouthwash or mouth rinse instead - either way, do not use water! Wait at least half an hour before drinking any liquids or consuming foods.

Here are some other reasons why rinsing is a bad habit:

-It’s not good for your enamel since it can take off too much calcium from the enamel which makes them more sensitive and prone to decay over time. 

-It doesn’t work very well because plaque will build up on teeth even if they are wet with water, so all you are doing is spreading plaque around instead of removing it.

To Summarize this what should you do after brushing your teeth?

-Use a mouthwash or mouth rinse that contains fluoride.

-Rinse, gargle and spit out the mouthwash.

-Wait at least half an hour before drinking any liquids or consuming foods.

Following these simple steps will help keep your teeth healthy and cavity free!

4. Storing Your Toothbrush In The Bathroom

Don’t store your toothbrush in the bathroom. You are probably aware of this, but to recap: more than half of all toothbrushes have bits of human feces on them.

How did it get there?

When you flush your toilet – the contents spray out in all directions and can land on any open surface nearby, including your toothbrush. This is especially relevant if you share a bathroom with others or children around the house. Putting a lid on your toothbrush helps reduce these issues. Consider storing it someplace other than inside the bathroom – like on your nightstand or inside another room's medicine cabinet. Oh, and don't forget to close the lid before flushing!

5. Should you Floss every time you Brush your Teeth?

You'll never get cavities or plaque buildup if you brush and floss every day. The American Dental Association recommends that patients should brush their teeth twice a day, plus once right after drinking something liquid to ensure no food is stuck in your gums!

Many people are used to brushing their teeth twice a day. Adults should be flossing at least once a day, but sometimes forget. With or without braces, it’s important to keep your mouth healthy and clean.

There are many benefits of dental flossing- one being improved oral health. The other benefits include improved gum health, improved digestion, better breath, reduced plaque bacteria in the mouth, and reduced food debris in the mouth.

It’s always best to talk to your dentist about what type of dental floss is best for you. Normally dental floss is made of nylon or another material that has the ability to remove plaque that may build up between teeth or under them 

Ideally, you should be brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day. If you’re pressed for time, at least brush and floss once. And make sure to clean your toothbrush regularly. Keep it away from other toiletries and bacteria-laden areas like the kitchen sink.

If you don't already - make it a habit to start flossing daily. Flossing is required at least once a day to remove plaque between your teeth, where your toothbrush doesn't reach. Plaque that is not removed through brushing and flossing turns into hard calcified deposits on your teeth.

6.Should you clean your tongue after brushing?

it's important to clean your tongue after brushing your teeth! Bacteria grow fast, and removing that debris from your tongue before bedtime can help reduce bad morning breath and get rid of it when you wake up.

After brushing your teeth – clean your tongue to prevent bad breath and remove bacteria. A tongue cleaner scrapes the residual bacteria off your tongue. If you don’t want to do that – get a toothbrush that has a tongue scraper on the opposite side.

You can also just use the bristles of your brush to clean your tongue after brushing your teeth. It’s not as good as a tongue scraper, but will get the job done. It’s important to clean your tongue every time you brush your teeth.

7. Is it better to use soft or hard toothbrush?

There are two types of toothbrushes available to the public, manual and electric.

Electric toothbrush heads can be soft or hard bristled, but for the most part a medium-bristled brush is recommended. The reason that you should avoid using a hard bristle brush is because it could damage your teeth if used too vigorously. For even more protection when brushing your teeth, make sure the head has rounded tips on it.

A soft bristled brush will usually be best for comfort and safety purposes since they don't have as much force behind them when brushing your teeth. There are many different brands of toothbrushes with various features so take care in choosing one that suits your needs!

8. What motion is best for brushing teeth?

The correct way to brush your teeth is in circles- don't go back and forth. Circular motions are more gentle and effective at cleaning the gaps between the teeth.

The toothbrush should make contact with both the teeth and the gumline. Use a lighter touch, don't press down too hard. Wide side-to-side strokes can scrape the soft tissue lining between your teeth and gums.  Tilt your brush vertically behind the front and bottom teeth, use gentle rolling strokes using just the front half of the brush, avoid brushing so hard that bristles bend on your teeth.

9. Is Brushing your Teeth too much Bad

The short answer? Yes, it is possible to brush your teeth too much. Brushing your teeth too often or too vigorously can wear down the enamel of the teeth. Overbrushing causes the gums to recede, which can make them more susceptible to disease. The enamel is the protective layer of your teeth, so wearing it down can make your teeth more sensitive and susceptible to damage.

Some of the most common questions that I get are related to dental care. "Is brushing teeth too much bad?"

The short answer is yes; it is possible for you to brush your teeth too much.

Brushing your teeth too often or too vigorously can wear down the enamel on the teeth. Over brushing causes the gums to recede, which can make them more susceptible to disease. This can also lead to sensitive teeth, so over brushing is only going to be making things worse for your child. The enamel is the protective layer of our teeth, so wearing it down makes them more sensitive and susceptible to damage.

Don't rinse with water after brushing your teeth - it's not good for your enamel, it doesn't work very well, and you're just spreading plaque around. Use a mouthwash or mouth rinse that contains fluoride instead. Rinse, gargle, and spit out the mouthwash. Then wait at least half an hour before drinking any liquids or consuming.


Your smile is a reflection of your confidence and self-esteem. To have the perfect smile, you need to make sure that you are brushing correctly. Follow these 11 steps to brush like an expert! And remember - the best way to prevent cavities is regular visits with your dentist for cleanings and exams. But until then, follow our advice on proper tooth brushing techniques and habits that will keep those pesky bacteria at bay. Let us show you how easy it can be once you know what not to do!