Tooth Sensitivity
Mar 28

5 Possible Reasons for Tooth Sensitivity When Chewing

Mar 28

If the thought of eating your favorite cheese pasta makes you wince, chances are you have tooth sensitivity.

Tooth sensitivity when chewing is a sign that something is wrong with your bite that needs to be fixed immediately. Starting off with the warning signs will give you a push start to preserve your tooth.

In this guide, we have identified different causes for tooth sensitivity when chewing and come up with the best solutions to cure it.

Factors Causing Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity

If you experience pain while biting or chewing, it must be because of any of the following reasons:

Misaligned Crown, Filling, or Tooth

‘Occlusion’ is the terminology used to denote the way teeth bite together. When our lower and upper teeth occulde properly, the pressure from the bite is equally distributed among the teeth resulting in painless chewing.

On the other hand, if your tooth, crown, or filling is set slightly higher than the rest of the teeth in your mouth, specific areas or teeth bear the brunt of the weight. Hence, you feel pain while chewing.

It is important to get your occlusion evaluated by your dentist so that they can adjust your bite if there is any misalignment.

Large Tooth Cavity

Dental cavities can be extra painful while chewing. It leaves sharp, lingering pain and discomfort from eating sugary items. Since cavities form a hole in your tooth, food items get stuck, resulting in pain and pressure on your teeth.

People with advanced tooth decay may feel painful flare-ups whenever they bite or chew something. That being said, not all cavities are painful. In fact, in some cases, the tooth hurts, but no cavity.

The possible explanation for this could be an opening in your enamel or a slightly rough edge that causes pain while chewing.

Dental Abscess

Pain in a specific tooth can also be a sign of a dental abscess. In this condition, a cyst is formed inside the bones and exerts pressure on the tooth. Hence, the person feels pain when chewing food.

In most cases, a dental abscess is detectable physically or through its symptoms, which include swelling and drainage that leaves a salty and unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth is another less popular cause of tooth sensitivity while chewing. The person may feel pain in a certain area while biting and chewing but cannot notice any other symptoms.

For this, dentists recommend getting a special bite stick to check if there is tooth pain due to a fractured or cracked tooth. In some cases, the fractured tooth becomes undetectable even through dental X-rays, and special diagnostic tests must be performed to determine for sure.

Gum Disease

Gum or periodontal disease can also cause tooth sensitivity while chewing. The bacteria get collected into the periodontal pockets, which grow bigger with time, pulling away from the tooth and causing pain and discomfort.

The jaw bone starts to deteriorate in advanced stages, making the teeth loose and eventually fall off. The combination of infected gums and loose teeth can cause pressure pain.

Tooth Pain when Biting Down Remedy

Tooth pain emerging from the outside of the tooth often gets treated at home without making a trip to the dentist. Here are a few remedies to treat pressure pain effectively:

  • Saltwater Rinse: It works as a disinfectant and gives instant relief from inflammation.
  • Hydrogen peroxide Rinse: Hydrogen peroxide is another great solution to treat pressure pain. Dilute it with equal parts of water to make a solution and rinse.
  • Cold compress: Grab an ice bag and apply it to the affected area from the outside by placing it on your jaw. Keep it for 20 minutes and repeat as often as you need.
  • Garlic: Take some garlic cloves, crush and apply them to the affected area. Garlic has natural antibacterial properties that will instantly soothe the pain.

Why Are my Teeth Sensitive All of a Sudden

Tooth decay, damaged tooth enamel or worn fillings, and tooth fractures are a few of the many reasons why you feel sensitive teeth all of a sudden. Besides, bruxism, teeth whitening, and forceful brushing can also lead to tooth sensitivity.

How to Stop Sensitive Teeth Pain Immediately

Here are a few quick home remedies to get relief from sensitive teeth pain.

  • Saltwater rinses
  • Hydrogen peroxide mouthwash
  • Desensitizing toothpaste
  • Honey and a warm water rinse
  • Clove oil for application on affected areas
  • Coconut oil for oil pulling

My Tooth Hurts when Eating but no Cavity

Although cavities are typically the main cause of dental pain, they are not the only culprit. Tooth pain can stem from a lot of other conditions, including a cracked tooth, abscess, bruxism, tooth sensitivity, or even food particles stuck between teeth.

My Tooth Hurts when I Put Pressure on it

You likely have a dental abscess if you feel pain in a specific tooth while applying pressure. The reason is that when you have the said condition, a cyst develops inside the bone, causing swelling, pressure, and pain when you bite down.


Can tooth sensitivity go away?

If you experience tooth sensitivity, especially after a recent dental procedure such as a dental filling or a root canal, you probably be experiencing the pain because of it.

How can I reduce my tooth sensitivity?

Using toothpaste made for sensitive teeth, night guard, oil pulling, etc., are some of the easiest ways to quickly deal with tooth sensitivity.

How long is too long for tooth sensitivity?

 Tooth sensitivity typically resolves within 4 to 6 hours. However, if the pain persists after that, you must consult a dentist.

Which toothpaste is best for sensitive teeth?

  • Sensodyne
  • Colgate Sensitive
  • Tom's of Maine Rapid Relief Sensitive
  • Hello sensitivity relief fluoride toothpaste

 How do I know if my tooth sensitivity is serious?

If you notice any of the following symptoms, you may have extreme tooth sensitivity:

  • Sensitivity to temperature changes
  • Sensitivity to sweet and acidic foods
  • Unpleasant reactions to cold and hot foods and drinks
  • Pain during brushing


Tooth sensitivity when chewing could indicate an oral health issue like a root canal infection or tooth decay. That being said, by religiously brushing twice a day, flossing, and using fluoride mouthwash once daily, you can manage the pain and other related symptoms.

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