how to remove tartar from teeth
Jun 14

How to Remove Tartar From Teeth - 5 Simple DIY Steps

Jun 14

With constant brushing and flossing, as well as certain do-it-yourself tools, you can eliminate tartar from your teeth at home without needing to see a dentist. You may be at risk because of oral health issues, including gum disease if you don't eliminate tartar accumulation from your teeth.

How to Remove Tartar from Teeth?

If you see a buildup of tartar on your teeth, call your dentist right away to schedule an appointment for expert tartar removal. Dental scaling, cleaning, and root planning are available for people who desire to keep their teeth and gums free of tartar for the rest of their lives. If you follow the advice in this article, you will come to know how to remove tartar from teeth at home.

You might be interested in reading about the dental procedures for repairing damaged and bad teeth.

What is Tartar?

Minerals and plaque that harden (calcify) on teeth form tartar which is also known as calculus. Tartar is a yellow or brown substance that forms in the spaces between teeth and on the crowns and bridges of teeth. Brushing and flossing less than twice a day might lead to the buildup of tartar on the teeth. Additionally, tartar buildup is unique to each individual's body chemistry. Those who brush and floss three times a day are more likely to build up tartar than those who merely brush once a day. In adults, the likelihood of developing calculus increases with age, stress, and immune system health.

Signs of Tartar Buildup

Signs of Tartar Buildup

Yellow, tan, or brown tartar that forms above the gum line may quickly spread to more of the teeth if it is not removed. Periodontal disease may result from the buildup of tartar below the gum line, which may be brown or black in color. Bad breath, inflamed and bleeding gums, dental sensitivity, and cavities are all indicators of tartar accumulation. Inflammation of the gums may cause them to become red and swollen.

Effect of Tartar on Oral Health

Tartar accumulation has a negative impact on your oral health, which may lead to foul breath, cavities, gum disease, bone loss, gingivitis, and finally tooth loss. If left untreated, tartar may cause a slew of additional health issues and is incredibly tough to get rid of on one's own. It has been shown that periodontal disease caused by tartar development raises the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Can You Remove Tartar Yourself at Home?

A natural remedy or a mixture of natural therapies may be used at home to eliminate tartar. Tartar may be loosened and removed by flossing and cleaning your teeth twice daily, particularly by using an electric toothbrush. The abrasiveness of baking soda makes it a potential tartar remover in toothpaste. People who used toothpaste that had baking soda had less plaque formation in the initial 24 hours than those who used toothpaste without baking soda, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Dentistry.

Using a high-powered water flosser and oil pulling are two more options for removing tartar at home. Over-the-counter plastic dental scalers are another option for removing bigger clumps of tartar and calculus. Many of these at-home methods for tartar removal fail to remove the last and most crucial layer of tartar from the teeth, and hence are unsuccessful in avoiding gum disease. In order to effectively remove tartar and avoid gum disease, regular visits to a dental hygienist are essential.

5 DIY Steps to Remove Tartar from Your Teeth

DIY Steps to Remove Tartar From Your Teeth

Clean your teeth twice a day and see your dentist on a regular basis for the best results. As an alternative to seeing the dentist, these suggestions can help maintain your teeth in peak condition between sessions, leaving you with gleaming pearl white teeth.

1. Use an Electric Toothbrush to thoroughly Clean Your Teeth

A tiny circular brush on an electric toothbrush makes it easy to clean each tooth and the spaces in between. "The usage of a power toothbrush, particularly counter-rotating and oscillating–rotating brushes, may be effective in lowering the levels of inflammation and gingival bleeding.

2. Use a Toothpaste That Contains Fluoride

Fluoride protects teeth from decay by enhancing the enamel's resistance to acid. Multiple studies have shown that fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, efficiently control tooth cavities. A toothpaste with 1,350-1,500ppm fluoride should be used by adults and children over the age of three. Using toothpaste that is age-appropriate is the best way to guarantee your kid gets the proper amount of fluoride in their system. To find out which toothpaste is best for your family, make an appointment with your dentist.

3. Brush the Teeth For a Minimum of 2 Minutes

A two-minute brushing session has long been recommended. Did you know that many individuals clean their teeth for only 45 seconds on average? The more time you spend brushing, the more plaque you eliminate. Brushing for three minutes instead of 30 seconds cleared 55 percent more plaque, according to one research.

4. Use Interdental Brushes and Dental Floss Regularly

It has been shown in many trials that flossing and brushing together dramatically decreased moderate gum disease or gingivitis.

Flossing is well-known for removing plaque and food particles from between the teeth, however, interdental brushes do much better. Small mascara brushes are used to clean between the gums and teeth using interdental brushes, which appear like small mascara brushes.

5. Regularly Use Antibacterial Mouthwash

In addition to freshening your breath, an antibacterial mouthwash helps minimize plaque build-up, loosen hard food particles, and lower the risk of cavities. The fluoride in mouthwash may be removed from your teeth if you use it just after brushing, so use it to keep your mouth fresh throughout the day.

If you follow the five actions outlined above, you won’t have to worry about “how to remove tartar from your teeth” and your teeth will remain sparkling clean and free of decay between trips to the dentist.

It is recommended not to use tartar removal products such as tartar scrapers at home. Using a tartar scraper without the guidance of a dentist might lead to a variety of problems, including illness or injury to the mouth.

3 Natural Ways to Remove Tartar from Your Teeth

Natural Ways to Remove Tartar from Your Teeth

Plaque buildup, which may lead to tartar formation, can be removed in a variety of natural methods, many of which entail utilizing products you probably already have in your house. To be clear, these natural cures may be helpful for your teeth, but they do not taste nice!

1. White Vinegar & Water

White vinegar is antibacterial, which means that it may help prevent plaque and tartar from forming in the mouth. Rinse your mouth with a solution made of water, vinegar, and salt. Do this up to twice a day to keep plaque and tartar at bay.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda can both whiten your teeth and neutralize the acid that causes cavities. Baking soda is a mild abrasive that helps remove plaque from teeth in certain toothpaste. Mix a few drops of water and half a teaspoon of baking soda together to form a paste. Using your toothbrush, apply this paste to your teeth and brush your teeth for 1 minute, then rinse your teeth well with water.

3. Aloe Vera

Among the many health advantages of aloe vera is the fact that it is beneficial for your teeth. A cup of water, 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel, 5 tablespoons of baking soda, 4 teaspoons of glycerine, and 1 drop of lemon essential oil are all good candidates for this remedy. To eliminate plaque and tartar, brush your teeth with this mixture.

Final Words

We believe by now you have got a clear understanding of “how to remove tartar from teeth”. To prevent plaque and tartar from accumulating, you must practice proper oral hygiene and see the dentist on a regular basis. In addition to brushing and flossing, food plays an important role in preventing tartar and plaque.

Plaque may be avoided by cutting down on sugar and carbohydrates in your diet. When sugary and starchy meals are consumed by bacteria in the mouth, they produce plaque, which is that familiar fuzzy sensation on the teeth.